
Mutual Aid Foundation Scholarships Academic Year 2019 - 2020

The Mutual Aid Foundation is accepting scholarship applications  from deserving and needy students who have obtained admission on 1st year full time Undergraduate Degree Programmes of Studies at the University of Mauritius (UoM) / Open University of Mauritius, University of Technology, University of Mascareignes, and Mahatma Gandhi Institute for the Academic year 2019/2020 and who wish to be considered for Sponsorship by the Mutual Aid Foundation (MAF).

The MAF may also consider for the same scholarship award, students who are not in their first year of studies.

MAF is awarding the scholarship only to students whose parents’ income does not exceed Rs20,000 monthly and are not beneficiaries of any other scholarship or grant.

Mutual Aid Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

Application DeadlineSeptember 15, 2019
Funding TypePartially Funded
Country to studyMauritius
School to studyMahatma Gandhi Institute, Open University of Mauritius, University of Mascareignes, University of Mauritius, University of Technology
SponsorMutual Aid Foundation
GenderMen and Women
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Benefits of Mutual Aid Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

The Scholarship will include an all-inclusive grant of Rs25,000 per student per academic year till completion of their Programmes of Studies and a laptop will also be provided. Scholarships exclude children of Mutual Aid employees.

Requirements for Mutual Aid Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

  1. Only students whose parents’ income does not exceed Rs20,000 monthly will be eligible to apply for the Scholarships. Information on the financial situation of the student’s family will need to be produced e.g evidence of monthly income of parents.
  2. They should not be beneficiaries of any scholarship or grant.
  3. The Scholarship will include an all-inclusive grant of Rs25,000 per student per academic year till completion of their Programmes of Studies and a laptop will also be provided. Scholarships exclude children of Mutual Aid employees.

Selection Process

  1. Selection of beneficiaries of the Scholarships will be carried out by the Managing Committee of the Mutual Aid Foundation assisted by one representative of above institutions. Their decisions will be final. 
  2. The beneficiaries must subscribe to an Agreement to follow and complete the Programme of Studies and to inform the Mutual Aid Foundation if they obtain another scholarship/grant or decide to withdraw from the Programme of Studies.
  3. Renewal of the Scholarships for the 2nd and subsequent years will depend on good academic results for the previous academic year, regular attendance and good behaviour as certified by these institutions. A quarterly report will be sought from these institutions on the last two aspects.


  1. Applications received after the closing date and/or not supported by the relevant documents will not be considered.
  2. Only successful candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application.
  3. The Mutual Aid Foundation reserves the right not to allocate any Scholarship or to allocate a lesser number of Scholarships following this advertisement; and to take any action as deemed appropriate in case of misrepresentation and/or submission of wrong information. August 15, 2019.

Application Documents

  1. Birth Certificate and National Identity Card;
  2. National Identity Card of Responsible Party/ies;
  3. Evidence of monthly income of parents, marital status of parents and proof of need for financial assistance;
  4. A letter from the Faculty/Centre concerned certifying that the applicant is a registered student of these institutions.

Application Deadline

September 15, 2019

How to Apply

  1. Applications must be made on the prescribed  application form obtainable from both Admissions and Students Record Office of these institutions and from the Administration Section of the Mauritius Civil Service Mutual Aid Association Ltd, 8th Floor, Mutual Aid Building, 5, Guy Rozemont Square, Port Louis. Applicants should submit copies of the required supporting documents along with their application:
  2. Applications along with all supporting documents in an envelope marked “MAF Scholarships 2019/2020” should be sent by registered post to reach the Secretary, Mutual Aid Foundation, 8th Floor, Mutual Aid Building, 5, Guy Rozemont Square, by September 15, 2019 at latest.

For more details, please visit the scholarship website here

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