Ibadan Descendants’ Union USA Incorporated (IDU USA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established by sons and daughters of Ibadan residing in the USA. Our mission is to support and promote academic and economic growth of Ibadan. In addition, the organization is fully committed to educate and promote our cultural awareness in the Diaspora. Since its inception on the 12th of April 2003, the organization has embarked on several projects to benefit people in Ibadan. These have included renovation of in-patient ward in a major city hospital, donation of medical equipment to a city hospital and Oyo State government, and provision of educational materials (textbooks, notebooks, etc.) to students (elementary through high schools, vocational schools and colleges).
We are witnesses to the technological advances in recent times. In this day of technological advances, it is difficulty for a non-profit organization to survive without a website which provides a portal for the global community to learn about the organization, its mission and goals, completed and planned projects. IDU USA plans to re-build its existing website to foster timely and accurate dissemination of information about the organization and allow potential donors make informed decision.
The establishment of IDU USA emanated from personal conviction I had that there should be a national association of all Ibadan indigenes in America. As the saying goes, one tree does not make a forest. For a dream to become reality, one has to be blessed to co-mingle with like-minded people.
After several consultations and exchange of thoughts with Ibadan indigenes living in several locations, consensus was reached that the National Association should be formed. However, it should be noted that there were some already established chapters though there were no interactions amongst these chapters. After contacts were established, consultations to form a national association began in earnest, first, with the already established chapters and subsequently we reached out to all Ibadan indigenes in the Diaspora to establish chapters in their respective domains. Such a participatory approach was what manifested into forming a national association.
Combination of personal interactive skills and sheer doggedness was the magic formula that spurred the desired result. However, given the antecedents of the newly formed association, it could be safely assumed that going forward, the trajectory of growth of the new association would be hinged heavily on the leadership ability and vision, as there were divergent views on what the outward look of the association should be. This reflected a blend of resilience, strategic vision, and a deep-seated commitment to uplift our homeland of Ibadan.
Through a combination of rigorous debate, resilience, and clear focus of issues at hand, the delegates demonstrated an exemplary dedication when needed. It should be recognized that many unsung heroes made the formation of the association possible with their moral and financial commitment – traveling to Philadelphia every four months – to make the association a reality.
Kudos to these newly created chapters like Philadelphia, New Jersey, Minnesota, Florida, North Carolina, Houston, Atlanta, Boston and California.
One of the boldest moves by the congregations that gathered in Philly was the strong commitment to lay the groundwork to establish a viable association at the inaugural meeting held in Philadelphia to form the IDU USA which ultimately resulted in our first national meeting in April 2003 at the Marriott Hotel in Philadelphia. Also, at this meeting, a five-member Ad-hoc committee was set up to oversee the welfare of association pending the election of substantive officers during our first national convention slated for Baltimore-Maryland in September 2004.