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      • Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) 2023

      • The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) is calling for solutions to create, match, or improve jobs for youth in Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and Senegal. The CFYE is a 7-year flagship initiative by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed b ... read more and apply

The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) is a 7-year programme funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Fund is managed by the Palladium Group, Randstad and VSO. 

Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) aims to create a prosperous future for 230,000 young women and men in the Middle East, North Africa, Sahel & West Africa and Horn of Africa. This will be achieved by supporting youth employment initiatives in these regions. Initiatives will offer youth, particularly young women, opportunities for decent work that delivers better prospects for personal development, is productive, and offers a stable income, social protection and safe working conditions.
