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      • The BP 2020 Net Zero Scholarship

      • The scholarship seeks candidates making an impact in one of the following areas: Advocating for progressive climate policies Enhancing current decarbonised energy technologies such as solar and wind Improving access to energy Innovating to reduce emissions in households, cities and indus ... read more and apply
BP plc (formerly The British Petroleum Company plc and BP Amoco plc) is a multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is one of the world's seven oil and gas "supermajors"whose performance in 2012, made it the world's sixth-largest oil and gas company, the sixth-largest energy company by market capitalization and the company with the world's 12th-largest revenue (turnover) Starting in 1908 with the discovery of oil in Persia, our story has always been about transitions – from coal to oil, from oil to gas, from onshore to deep water, and now onwards towards a new mix of energy sources as the world moves into a lower carbon future Everyone who works for BP is guided day in and day out by our values: safety, respect, excellence, courage and one team. In a fast-changing world, these values provide continuity and a shared point of reference for every action we take and every decision we make.