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Funding Opportunities at Raheem Sterling Foundation

The Raheem Sterling Foundation envisions a world where young people will always have the support they need in the pursuit of improving their opportunities, their future careers and their quality of life.

Through his charitable organisation, Raheem Sterling is dedicated to helping those from disadvantaged backgrounds break down barriers to success, find their voice, and realise their true potential in the world.

We aim to change the lives of young people, with a specific purpose on three areas that were key in Raheem’s rise to success:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Social Mobility

Our Mission is to empower and invest in young people to improve access to education, create employment, and improve social mobility.

The Raheem Sterling Foundation will support youth education projects, whether through formal instruction or vocational support. We will collaborate with businesses and fund appropriate initiatives that create pathways for those who strive to succeed.

Supporting such ideas can fuel technical, interpersonal, and entrepreneurial growth in young individuals and across communities.

London, Manchester, and Kingston are three places that hold special meaning for Raheem, and that is where the foundation will initially focus its efforts. We know that social mobility can be difficult in these cities; education and employment can be compromised simply by the lack of opportunity available.

These initiatives will contribute to our goal of increasing social mobility and removing obstacles for young people in their personal and professional endeavours, and facilitating change by creating new, lasting opportunities for future generations.