The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is intended for mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month. For visits that are longer than one month, applicants must provide evidence of financial support from the ... read more and apply
The Program provides research assistantships to graduate – PhD and Master – students of emerging research groups working in a developing country listed in Priority 1 or 2 of the IMU CDC Definition of Developing Countries. It provides modest support for emerging research groups, maki ... read more and apply
The IMU – Simons African Fellowship Program supports research sabbaticals for mathematicians from African developing countries employed in Africa to travel to an internationally known mathematical center of excellence (worldwide) for collaborative research. All travel and l ... read more and apply
The International Mathematical Union, with the assistance of FIMU, maintains a fellowship program to support postgraduate studies, in a developing country, leading to a PhD degree in the mathematical sciences. The IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowships offers a limited number of grants for ... read more and apply
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