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      • Call for Applications: Colombia Foreign Scholarship 2024

      • This program is aimed at foreigners who wish to pursue their postgraduate studies in Colombia, as well as for foreigners from non-Spanish-speaking countries who need to strengthen the Spanish language to carry out postgraduate studies in Colombia. At the bottom you will find the catalog of academic ... read more and apply

Instituto Colombiano de Crédito Educativo y Estudios Técnicos en el Exterior (ICETEX) is a Colombian public entity that promotes higher education through the granting of educational loans and its collection, with own resources or from third parties, populations with few economic resources and good academic performance. Since its creation, it has been the leading entity in the promotion of the internationalization of the higher education system. Through its Cooperation Policy, ICETEX has generated opportunities for Colombians abroad through offering scholarships, and for foreigners in Colombia through different international mobility programs, such as the Pacific Alliance mobility platform, the Beca Colombia (Grad School Scholarships for foreigners in Colombia) or Fellows Colombia (Expert and Academic Staff incoming mobility). 

Today, ICETEX leads this educational cooperation policy, through which it has enabled outstanding national cooperation through programs such as Colombia Científica and has co-financed projects aimed to strengthen Colombia’s higher education system with national and international partners.
