GOAL is registered in Ireland as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital (Company No. 201698; Registered Charity No. 20010980; CHY 6271). Registered Office: Carnegie House, Library Road, Dun Laoghaire, A96 C7W7, Dublin, Ireland. GOAL (International) is registered in the United Kingdom: Charity Reg No: 1107403. GOAL USA is registered in the US as a 501(c)(3) not-for-pro?t organisation and contributions are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law
GOAL’s purpose is to save lives and empower communities to develop resilience and greater control over their lives and livelihoods. GOAL aims to increase the resilient wellbeing of the world’s poorest people and focuses on those who are excluded or marginalised, particularly those who are vulnerable due to socio-economic status, gender or age.