The GCSP prize seeks to reward groundbreaking concepts that offer exceptional promise in addressing peace and security challenges. ... read more and apply
In 2015, under the umbrella of its Creativity and Innovation Initiative, the GCSP and its Geopolitics and Global Futures Programme established a prize in order to recognize deserving individuals or organizations that have an innovative approach to addressing international security challenges.
The ... read more and apply
In 2015, under the umbrella of its Creativity and Innovation Initiative, the GCSP and its Geopolitics and Global Futures Programme established a prize in order to recognise deserving individuals or organisations that have an innovative approach to addressing international security ch ... read more and apply
Are you a female mid-career professional working on peace and security issues in a national ministry, IO, NGO, civil society or academic institution? Are you a citizen in a lesser developed country? The GCSP’s Leadership in International Security Course is offering a scholarship to b ... read more and apply
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