FutureLearn is a British digital education platform founded in December 2012. The company is jointly owned by The Open University and SEEK Ltd.It is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) learning platform, and as of March 2020 included +250 UK and international partners, including industry and government partners.
FutureLearn was launched with 12 university partners, seeking those who "consistently rank at the top end of the…league tables".The 12 founding partners are: The Open University, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, Cardiff University, University of East Anglia, University of Exeter, King's College London, Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University of Southampton, St Andrews University, and University of Warwick.The launch was described as a move to 'fight back' and provide a space for UK institutions to engage in the MOOC space.
According to Financial Times, FutureLearn was the first platform to enable students to earn credits towards a degree from a top UK university from their tablets and smartphones, 2016.In April 2019, FutureLearn announced that SEEK Ltd would invest £50 million in the company. In return, SEEK would receive a 50% stake in the company.