The Ministry of Science and Education performs administrative and other tasks related to preschool education, elementary and secondary education in the country and abroad; develops the National Curriculum; approves textbooks and introduces regulations and standards as well as other requirements regarding educational work; fosters the development of the school system; works on improving the student standard; conducts inspections; establishes educational institutions and supervises the legal aspects of their activities; provides funding and facilities for educational work; enables children, young adults and adults to acquire technical skills and competences; supports organizations invested in education.
The Ministry also performs administrative and other tasks related to: the development of higher education; the implementation of national strategies and higher education programmes; the provision of funding and facilities for higher education institutions and monitoring their activities; the preparation of reports on the activities and evaluation of higher education institutions and study programmes, and their recommendation for approval; the subsidization of study costs; the improvement of the student standard; monitoring success rates of study programmes and other higher education processes; administering the implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework; administering the Registry of Higher Education Institutions and the Registry of Study Programmes; managing databases on higher education; fostering lifelong learning and higher education for adults; the administrative supervision of higher education institutions.
The Ministry performs administrative and other tasks related to: the development of the science, technology and innovation system; the development of research and other institutions; the application of scientific achievements in certain fields; the harmonization of funding programmes with research projects; development and monitoring of intellectual property management policy by means of harmonizing national legislation on intellectual property rights with the acquis communautaire, and the development of strategic measures for improving the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in order to foster technology transfer from research organizations to the business sector and society; fostering continuous technological development in the Republic of Croatia; administering the Registry of Researchers and Research Organizations; monitoring and establishing scientific, professional and technological cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations according to international agreements; enhancing the mobility of Croatian and foreign researchers; scholarships, specialization and practical training of domestic and foreign researchers based on international, government, business and other agreements; the administrative supervision of research organizations.