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CFA Society Nigeria was approved in 2012 as the 137th Society of CFA Institute and one of five societies in Africa. Registered in Nigeria as an Incorporated Trustee in February 2013, the society currently has 369 members and 165 candidate members.

As an affiliate of CFA Institute, CFA Society Nigeria seeks to promote the highest standards of investment practice in Nigeria and to provide a vibrant community in which its members and other key players in the investment industry can interact and grow. We continually engage with all stakeholders in the Nigerian investment industry, including industry regulators, to ensure that global best standards are instituted to promote ethics and professionalism in our investment industry. We also provide various platforms for networking and professional development of investment professionals through several knowledge-sharing sessions, seminars, and conferences.

CFA Society Nigeria is a leading voice for advocacy in Nigeria in various areas, such as the adoption of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), the Asset Manager Code of Conduct (AMC), Statement of Investor Rights,  and the Women in Investment Management Initiative.

CFA Institute is a global, not-for-profit association of investment professionals with a mission to lead the investment profession globally by promoting the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society.
