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Africa Check is a non-profit organisation set up in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate and the media in Africa. We work to raise the quality of information available to society across the continent.

Kofi Annan, the former UN secretary general, said of us: “For democracies to function properly, for people to make informed decisions about their lives, the claims made in the public domain must be held up to scrutiny and their veracity checked openly and impartially.

“I salute the work of Africa Check, as an important initiative engaging with journalists and citizens across the continent to raise the level of public debate.”

Devised by the non-profit media development arm of the international news agency AFP, Africa Check is an independent organisation with offices in Johannesburg, Nairobi, Lagos and Dakar. We produce reports in English and French, testing claims made by public figures, institutions and the media against the best available evidence.

Since 2012, we have fact-checked more than 1,500 claims on topics from crime and race in South Africa to population numbers in Nigeria and fake health cures in various African countries.

Africa Check’s work is published and discussed in media across the continent.
