The A.S.Hornby Educational Trust scholarships are awarded every year to English language teachers from outside the UK to study for Masters in TESOL at the University of Warwick. The Trust was set up by A.S.Hornby in 1961 to support English language teaching worldwide.
A.S.Hornby had a distinguished career in English language teaching and developed the Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, now in its 8th edition. The Trust is a registered charity in the UK.
The chief object of the A S Hornby Educational Trust, as laid down in its Trust Deed, is to promote the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language, especially by providing scholarships and grants. Since 1961, the Trust has supported the professional development of a significant number of teachers in the Global South via individual scholarships to study on MA programmes in the UK (the ‘Hornby Scholars’ scheme), regional schools (‘Hornby Schools’) and via small-scale project funding to alumni and to Teacher Associations.