Published: 18 May 2019
The Gordon Signy Fellowships, 2019 is open to students who wish to undergo Bachelor, Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate level programme(s) in the field of Pathology at any university other than the ones in their countries.
The aim of the scholarship is to promote the public safety and the public health by fostering the development of anatomic and clinical pathology in all aspects, especially in the developing countries. It is the intent of the Fellowship to provide opportunities for pathologists to study in countries other than their own and to return to their home countries with new skills to help their patients.
The deadline of the scholarship is June 30, 2019 .
Application Deadline | June 30, 2019 |
Type | Undergraduate |
Course to study | View courses |
Sponsor | Gordon Signy Fellowship |
Gender | Men and Women |
The Fellowship provides an award of US $5,000 payable in two installments, the first US $4,500 at the beginning of a period of study and US $500 upon receipt of Fellows' reports of their experiences (see item 11 below). For training periods exceeding 89 days, and at the discretion of the Regents of the Fellowship, an award of up to US $7,500 may be provided. A certificate of Fellowship will be issued to each Fellow after the final Fellowship Award payment.
The Fellowship is open to pathologists from all countries.
Applicants must be living in their country of origin or their country of permanent residence at the time of the application.
For applications where residency is unclear, the Regents may require proof of residency for any individual applicant (this may include a driver’s license or other form of government identification; electrical, telephone or other utility bills; or letters of certification from a governmental office).
Award Selection and Announcements: The award will be made by the Trustees of the World Pathology Foundation on the advice of an international Board of Regents. Awards will be announced no later than 15 September 2019.
Application Procedure
Applications are currently being accepted for training beginning on or after 1 January 2020 and ending no later than 31 December 2020. Applications must be received by 30 June 2019. Applicants must have completed their initial pathology training prior to the beginning of their proposed fellowship training. If applicants have not completed their initial pathology training prior to the current application date (30 June 2019), the applicant MUST submit documentation of the completion of initial training before funds can be provided for the Fellowship.
PLEASE NOTE: Applications which are incomplete the day after the application deadline will be rejected and not further considered by the Regents of the Fellowship. Late applications will be not be acknowledged or further considered. There is no appeal for late or incomplete applications.
Application Forms: You may complete the forms using one of the formats below. The PDF FORM format is designed to be completed on a computer, saved, printed and then mailed and emailed. The PDF-TEXT ONLY format can only be printed. It can then be filled out by hand, copied or scanned and mailed/emailed. The TEXT form may also be scanned and then completed on a computer. The forms contain all the information needed for completion of the application including the email and postal (airmail) addresses to which they must be sent.
Additional Forms to Assist You: In addition to the Application Forms, we have included a suggested format for the curriculum vitae and a checklist form to assist you in making sure your application is complete. You are free to use any format you wish for your curriculum vitae as long as the information contained in the suggested format is present.
If you have any questions, please contact the administrative office listed on the forms themselves.